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Are you a professional boxer or professional MMA fighter that has been financially impacted by the current COVID-19 crisis?
Contenders wants to help you!
With all sporting events across the country being suspended indefinitely, we know the devastating impact it is having financially on fighters and their families. In many cases, fighters who earn a living, or supplement their income competing professionally, are self-employed contractors, leaving them, in many cases, not eligible for some of the relief measures currently being offered.
While some well known apparel companies are donating to large, mostly worldwide organizations, we've yet to see any company help fighters in the United States.
Therefore, we are stepping-up and directly helping our Contenders community by creating a FIGHTING FOR FIGHTERS fund. 10% of all sales on www.ContendersClothing.com in the month of April will go directly to eligible fighters through our fund. Our goal is to send payments out immediately after May 1st.
Fighters, please fill out the form below and please spread the word and share this link to anyone you know who you think would benefit.
Contenders is a small independent business but we treat it like a family. Anytime a fighter wears us, we consider them family and if we can help out our family, even in a small way, you can be assured Contenders is going to be there.
Jon Snyder
Chief Executive Officer
100% of net sales of the Going The [Social] Distance Tee go directly to our Fighting For Fighters fund